Monday 1 November 2021

How To Prepare For Black Friday Ahead Of The Time

Shopping on Black Friday is a tradition for many. It’s always fun heading out early in the morning or late the night before on the hunt for the most affordable deals. Some people are on the lookout for things they need around the house, while others are aiming to finally purchase that gaming console they’ve been eyeing for the longest time.

To get the best out of Black Friday and to avoid missing out on those splurge-worthy deals, here are some tips to help you prepare.

Stay online and on time

Avoid the never-ending queues and all the stampedes by shopping online. With all the discounts at your fingertips you get the best shopping deals from the comfort of your home or office, without taking the day off. Going to busy malls on Black Friday can also be dangerous – with everyone eyeing the same limited specials, things could get messy, aggressive, and violent. There is no deal worth having where you risk injury of any sort. Also, we’re still navigating a pandemic so shopping smartly means shopping safely.

Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe!

You know those annoying pop up messages in your emails? The ones you usually send straight to your spam folder? Those mails could benefit you this Black Friday. With dozens of companies and holiday resorts offering all kinds of specials, the best way to keep track of it all is to take a look at those mailers.

So, subscribe to all of your favourite store pages and be first in line for all the latest deals available. You never know, you might find something for your cart which you could finally scratch off your bucket list.

Stick to your budget

With a wide range of deals offered from everywhere you look, you may feel tempted to overspend and buy things you don’t really need. Setting a Black Friday budget is a really important aspect to take into account as the last thing you want to do is feel the financial burn later down the line. Write down the maximum amount of money you want to spend ahead of time, commit to it, and make sure you stick to that amount.

Be prepared

If you plan on making EFT payments, check that you have enough funds in your account. The last thing you want is to be declined at the till after receiving that bank notification stating ‘insufficient funds’. A great way to avoid this issue is by looking at alternative ways to pay for the things you need. A useful tip: Teljoy allows you to rent‐to‐own everything from furniture, electronics, appliances, and gym equipment. The best part about this is that you have the option to take ownership of the equipment after the predetermined rental period.

Don’t forget about Cyber Monday

In the past, Black Friday was known for heading out to the stores to get the best buys and Cyber Monday was for online deals. Now, more money is spent online than in stores on Black Friday, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore Cyber Monday. Some retailers, particularly those focused on computing, will have deals on laptops, desktop PCs, printers, techie gadgets, and more. If you didn’t get the product you wanted on Black Friday, then keep checking over the weekend for Monday’s new deals.

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